10 Rare Movie Actor Contract Clauses You Never Knew

6. Samuel L. Jackson Gets To Play Golf Twice Per Week While Shooting Movies

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Entertainment One

Samuel L. Jackson is one of the hardest-working actors in Hollywood, and going by his work schedule perhaps one of the smartest.

Jackson, a massive golf fan, has it written into all of his movie contracts that he's allowed to play golf twice per week throughout the duration of the shoot.

Tough though it is to imagine the Nick Fury actor being shuttled away from a Marvel Cinematic Universe set to play a few holes, that's apparently exactly what happens. In Jackson's own words:

"Generally, they either move me onto a golf course so I can play or join a club so I can play, and they have to let me play at least twice a week."

As for why the hard-talking acting legend enjoys a sport as tranquil as golf so much?:

"I like golf because it's a perfect game for an only child like me... In this game, you get responsibility for everything you do bad, and you get all the credit for everything you do well."

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.