10 Real Reactions To Behind-The-Scenes Movie Screw-Ups

5. Daryl Hannah Chips Her Elbow - Blade Runner

Even replicants make mistakes every now and again.

This much was true during the filming of Ridley Scott's sci-fi masterpiece Blade Runner (1982) when actor Daryl Hannah was involved in a quite literal slip up on set.

As Hannah's character, Pris, was fleeing J.F. Sebastian (William Sanderson) in the rain, the replicant went flying into a van which had been planted in the scene. Her arm went crashing through the window before she quickly scurried out of shot.

It made for a hell of an exit, however it was later made known that Hannah wasn't actually supposed to smash through the window and this whole moment had been an unfortunate accident.

Unfortunate as it led to Hannah chipping her elbow for real.

In all honesty, the moment Scott decided to have Hannah run across a wet, slippy floor in six-inch heels, he pretty much set his actor up for a fall...literally in this case. Thankfully, Hannah is an absolute pro and powered through until the scene was finished.

Some actors steal a prop from set to remember their time on a movie, others walk away with a nice big scar for their troubles.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...