10 Real Reactions To Behind-The-Scenes Movie Screw-Ups

4. Ryan Gosling Eats A Punch From Harrison Ford - Blade Runner 2049

Replicants just can't catch a break, can they?

Well, at least this mistake didn't make its way into the final cut of Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner sequel. However, someone did manage to capture this picture-perfect moment and for that we thank them.

During Blade Runner 2049 (2017), Ryan Gosling's K finds Harrison Ford's Rick Deckard in the ruins of Las Vegas. This eventually leads to the pair coming to blows in the middle of a long since forgotten nightclub, with Deckard refusing to back down from the intruding replicant.

However, Ford was clearly a little too eager to kick his younger co-star's ass on set and actually managed to sock him for real during the shooting of the showdown.

Gosling has since admitted that Ford didn't exactly apologise for his mistake. Instead, he brought over a bottle of scotch and poured him a drink...before walking off with the rest of the bottle like the Hollywood legend he is.

Ford on the other hand felt that only hitting Gosling once during the filming of the scene was an achievement in itself, stating, 'You know, I threw about a hundred punches in the shooting of it, and I only hit him once.'

He does have a point.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...