10 Real Reactions To Behind-The-Scenes Movie Screw-Ups

2. Donald Glover Genuinely Slips - The Martian

As we've noted a few times already, great actors are capable of thinking on the fly when something goes wrong mid-scene.

It's also become apparent in this list that Ridley Scott is quite happy to use an unexpected take in the final cut of his movies. This fondness can be seen yet again during a scene involving Donal Glover in The Martian (2015).

Glover's astrodynamicist, Rich Purnell, is trying to quickly exit his room and comically wipes out before springing straight back to his feet. Purnell then says 'I'm fine' and keeps on moving towards his kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

The actor later confessed in an interview with Conan O'Brien that this was his first take of the scene and his character 'eating it' was actually him authentically 'eating it'.

Scott was definitely right to leave this gaffe in the movie as it clearly highlights Purnell's urgent need to get working on an alternative plan to bring Matt Damon's Mark Watney back home to Earth.

This moment also makes great use of Glover's natural comedic talents without taking anything away from the scene.

Sometimes crashing and burning can reap rewards.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...