10 Reasons Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man Owns Tobey Maguire's

9. Garfield Actually Behaves Like A Teenager

While Tobey Maguire comes across as the perfect little choir boy at times (except when he yelled at Uncle Ben that one time), Andrew Garfield is far more believable as a teenager, and it instantly gives the younger audience a chance to really connect with him. Garfield takes a different approach to Maguire€™s ultra quiet, geeky Peter and simply put, just portrays a teenager. He€™s argumentative, moody, selfish, arrogant at times, but also quiet and isolated, and isn€™t that how we all were in those dreaded times? There are a few complaints about Garfield€™s portrayal of Peter coming across as €˜not geeky enough€™ or €˜too hipster€™, but honestly, fans need to keep in mind that not only have times changed since the first Spider-Man, but also if he portrayed him as €˜more geeky€™ it runs the risk of becoming too similar to Maguire€™s performance. While it€™s also worth noting that Peter is supposed to represent an ordinary person, that€™s one of the best parts of him and Garfield does this well. Some of the complaints of him being a jerk may have some merit, but point us in the direction of a teenager who isn€™t.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.