10 Reasons Batman: Assault On Arkham Destroys Suicide Squad

5. It Wastes Less Time On Melodrama

Batman Assault On Arkham Suicide Squad
Warner Home Video

Suicide Squad had so much exposition and backstory to cram in that the result was a wildly uneven film switching from quips and cool violence to unearned melodrama at a moment's notice.

The two especially offending subplots were Deadshot's desire to be a hero to his daughter, and Rick Flag's romance with June Moone/Enchantress, both of which felt overplayed and undercooked all at once.

Thankfully Assault On Arkham, in being aimed more squarely at the fanbase and not needing to rope in the casuals, assumes you know the backstory and only briefly nods to Deadshot's daughter. The result feels less patronising to the die-hards, while, as casuals watching Suicide Squad would agree, something less on-the-nose would've basically conveyed the same idea.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.