10 Reasons Batman: Assault On Arkham Destroys Suicide Squad

6. Superior Action Sequences

Batman Assault On Arkham Suicide Squad
Warner Home Video

Arguably the most disappointing thing about Suicide Squad is how utterly pedestrian and forgettable the few action sequences were, largely consisting of the team shooting down hordes of Enchantress' zombie-like minions, and then a borderline-incomprehensible, CGI-doused final battle eerily reminiscent of Fantastic Four.

Assault On Arkham by comparison is roughly 50 minutes shorter and features not only a great deal more action, but a more diverse array of set-pieces. There's Batman fighting Harley and then the entire Squad later on, the Squad battling their way into Arkham, the Squad and Batman taking on Arkham's escaped inmates, and then a final dash to stop The Joker deploying his dirty bomb.

It's all deliriously entertaining to watch and a good deal more finessed than David Ayer's fairly by-the-numbers set-pieces.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.