10 Reasons Batman v Superman Can't Top Captain America: Civil War

2. We Know What Comes Next

Anyone who's read a comic book knows where Batman v Superman is going. The heroes will fight and then inevitably team up to face a much greater threat, becoming friends and allies in the process. How the Justice League will factor in isn't quite so clear, but it wouldn't be in the least bit surprising to see them all standing side by side before the screen fades to black. It just feels so predictable even though much of the movie is a secret right now. There's nothing to say that Captain America: Civil War will follow the comic books, so automatically assuming that Steve Rogers dies would be a mistake. Throw in the fact that The Winter Soldier will return and a high profile cameo from Spider-Man, and there really are any number of directions the movie could go in. Batman v Superman is so weighed down in setting up a shared universe, it's hard to picture it doing any more than just that.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.