10 Reasons Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice Might Just Be Awesome

1. It€™s Got Batman AND Superman In It

This might be stating the obvious given that it was the first thing we learned about the project, but it bears repeating. Warner Bros. are putting two of the most well-known and celebrated fictional characters of all time in the same movie, and that alone should be enough to charge you up. Besides these two, the only superhero with a comparable level of popularity and visibility in modern culture is Spider-Man, and we€™re never gonna see all three of them together. So let€™s be thankful for this completely unexpected and utterly unprecedented clash of the giants. Even if the film around it turns out to be no better than mediocre, every second of screen time shared by these two icons will be electric, and more than worth the price of admission. It€™s what got people so excited in the first place, and as the release date nears the anticipation levels will surely rise. Will Batman v Superman be a great movie? It remains to be seen, but there are more than enough reasons to believe it might just be. Are you excited about Dawn of Justice? Feel free to share your enthusiasm/bile below.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.