10 Reasons Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice Might Just Be Awesome

2. Jessie Eisenberg Might Give Us A Villain For The Ages

It didn€™t create an adverse clamour quite on the same scale as Affleckgate, but the January announcement that Jesse Eisenberg would play Lex Luthor in Dawn of Justice wasn€™t exactly celebrated. Eisenberg€™s presence is surprising €“ this is not someone who seeks out blockbusters; he finds them by accident. Zombieland, The Social Network and Now You See Me all performed out of all proportion with box office expectations, the actor tending to gravitate towards interesting roles and indie fare. He€™s been accused of being one-note, but then his performances fluctuate between the nebbish and the narcissistic, sometimes in the same film, as was recently the case in The Double. As for Dawn of Justice, we still don€™t know what kind of Lex Luthor we€™re in for, but it€™s a safe bet that we€™ll move away from the boiler-plate, land-obsessed, cartoonish villain served up in the original Superman series and recycled in Superman Returns. Which is a good thing €“ we need a Lex for the modern age. It€™s hard for a comic book movie to be great without a great villain, and we are almost guaranteed a more complex, nuanced Luthor than we€™ve seen before on the big screen. Will Eisenberg reinvent the role and see his name added to the list of people who deserve an apology when Batman v Superman hits the screens? The jury€™s out, but he might yet give us one of the most memorable villains of recent years.

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