10 Reasons Ben Affleck Will Be An Awesome Batman

8. He's Turned His Career Around

affleck-argo It's hard to think of a single actor who has had as remarkable a career 180 as Affleck; he has gone from the guy who was apparently carried by Matt Damon to winning an Oscar for writing Good Will Hunting and acting in a host of horrible movies including Gigli, Jersey Girl, Reindeer Games, Daredevil and Pearl Harbor, to becoming a tremendously acclaimed movie director, who has also won a Best Picture Oscar for his producing work. Though you might be quick to say that Batman vs. Superman won't be testing his writing, directing or producing abilities, it's important to note that along with Affleck's sudden creative upswing, he has begun to be far more judicious about the projects he opts to star in. Rock-solid turns in State of Play, The Company Men, The Town and Argo - as well as a fine comic performance in Extract - all hew away from the cynical cash-grab tactics he was known for in his youth, and make it clear that he's veering towards projects with an inherent artistic value. I doubt that Affleck would keenly throw that away in an instant.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.