10 Reasons Bob Orci Directing Star Trek 3 Is The Dumbest Decision Ever

2. He's A Conspiracy Theorist

This might seem initially to not be a real reason to worry about Bob Orci€™s ability to direct the next Star Trek movie but it links with the bigger issue of him not understanding Star Trek. Bob Orci is a conspiracy nut. Before he deleted his Twitter account, Orci was known for rants about the €˜€™truth.€™€™ He believes 9/11 was an inside job, he has said he doesn€™t understand feminism and on the day of the Boston bombing, he Tweeted asking if it was a €˜€™false flag operation.€™€™ A false flag operation is when government forces pretend to be the enemy. It's hardly surprising with comments like that, he's annoyed more than a few people. With such a warped way of thinking, he is bound to incorporate his theories into his script under the vale of it being social commentary, even more now that he is the director. That might also explain the thinking behind the conspiracy storyline involving the top brass of Starfleet in €˜Star Trek Into Darkness.€™

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.