10 Reasons Critics Are Calling Interstellar A Disappointment

9. It's Too Long

It's frequently said that no good movie is too long and no bad movie is too short, or that film critics simply say a movie is too long when they're bored and too lazy to really explain why they don't like a film. That said, a number of reviews have singled out Interstellar's meaty 169-minute run-time as a key reason why the movie suffers: it ensures that the majority of the issues on this list are repeated and dragged out for almost three hours, whereas with a tidy 120-130 minute movie, the flaws might have been more tolerable. USA Today: "The film would have benefited from more judicious editing...Monotonous stretches in space undercut the story's time-bending grandeur." Forbes: "The picture rushes into space only to slow to a relative crawl once it gets there...Very little happens in the long second and third acts." Movie City News: "40 minutes of this movie could have been stripped away and improved the final product by 60%/70%." Screen Daily: "Sometimes succumbs to its own self-indulgence." Popular Mechanics: "The movie has a rambling quality that is hard to shake."

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.