10 Reasons Critics Are Calling Interstellar A Disappointment

8. Hans Zimmer's Score Is Too Bombastic

Few contemporary movie composers are as recognised or acclaimed as Hans Zimmer, Nolan's frequent collaborator, delivering superb scores on his Dark Knight series and Inception in particular (as well as the Nolan-produced Man of Steel, of course). The reception to Zimmer's score seems a little more muted this time, even if many critics did praise its emotional power. From the reviews so far, it seems that Zimmer's score feels too overpowering here, which may be explained further by the fact that Interstellar is nowhere near as action-centric as either the Dark Knight films or Inception. As such, some have found Zimmer's cacophonous score to be more irritating than exciting. Movie City News: " felt like being hit over the head with every instrument in the orchestra until unconscious. I don€™t ever recall a more relentless or agonizing aural experience in a film..." The Playlist: "All bombast and blunders."

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.