10 Reasons Disney Needs To Make Solo 2 Happen

9. We Still Don't Know Much About Han's Character

Han Solo A Star Wars Story

Fundamentally, prequel movies should exist for one reason only: to cast new light on characters and events, making fans reinterpret the original movies based on new information provided.

Despite its faults, the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy managed to justify its existence by doing just this - reframing the Jedi as a corrupt anti-democratic religious order which enabled the rise of the Emperor, questioning their Original Trilogy heroism. Even Rogue One had an express purpose, clearing up the biggest plot hole in movie history by turning the fault in the Death Star's structure from an instance of lazy writing into an intentional and crucial design choice.

Solo, on the other hand, has no reason to exist besides from making some quick cash.

What fans learn about Han is straightforward surface-level stuff, feeling more like fan-fiction set to film than a true prequel. We see how Han got his blaster, how he met Chewie, how he won the Millennium Falcon - each example reading as though they're straight off a "What To Include In A Han Solo Movie" checklist, only expanding on things we already knew about the character rather than giving fans any new information.

Besides from knowing Han's dad worked on Corellian Shipyards building ships much like the Falcon, we don't learn much that adds to Han's character. Arguably, some ideas introduced in Solo actually degrade Hans somewhat - an Imperial Officer giving him his name stands out as the most latent example.

There's so much more of Han's character to be explored.


When Matteo isn't cashing in on a lifetime of devotion to his favourite pop culture franchises and indie bands, he's writing and publishing poems and short stories under the name Teo Eve. Talk about range.