10 Reasons Fast & Furious 9 Is A Cinematic Car Wreck

1. It Goes Against What's Made The Last Few Movies Work

Fast and Furious 9

Since Fast Five, the films in this franchise have mixed warm character chemistry, great jokes and action sequences that, while ridiculous, felt just grounded enough to feel suspenseful. That has been the franchise's winning formula.

F9 goes against all of those strengths.

In this one, the jokes are poor, the characters don't have as much chemistry as normal and the action is too cartoonish and dull. As well as this, the script further messes up the tone by including all that awful sentimental tripe about Dom reconciling with Jakob.

In the end, F9 just isn't really any fun and makes for a seriously dispiriting comedown from the delightful entertainment of the past five movies. Hell, the first three films in the series might not be masterpieces but they're definitely a hell of a lot better than this.

If nothing else, F9 shows just how vital Chris Morgan has been to these movies' success and let's just hope and pray he comes back for the last two films in the main franchise. That way, this mostly delightful action series can go out on the high note it deserves and we can all forget about this car-wreck of a ninth instalment sooner.

The IMPOSSIBLE Fast And Furious Movie Quiz

Universal Pictures

1. What Was The Name Of Brian's Undercover Identity In The First Film?


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.