10 Reasons The Fault In Our Stars Is The Best Book-Film Adaptation In Years

10. The Source Novel Is Excellent

The first vital ingredient for any good book-film adaptation is a solid piece of source material. The Fault In Our Stars certainly has that going in its favour, combining a breezy writing style with a truly heart-wrenching story and some really quotable dialogue. John Green's story is perfectly constructed, hitting some predictable romance beats interspersed with some truly gut-punching scenes of turmoil. In the highly favourable New York Times review, it was called "a blend of melancholy, sweet, philosophical and funny", which perfectly sums up the constantly shifting tone and mastery of genres. The book is a rare example of a young adult novel that does not talk down to its readers. Green has spoken out against that very trait in an interview with The Guardian, saying that he is "tired of adults telling teenagers that they aren't smart" when discussing the fiction that is written for them. Above all else, The Fault In Our Stars is a riotously entertaining book that tugs at the heartstrings whilst enlightening the reader as well. There's a reason it has topped so many bestseller lists.

Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.