10 Reasons You Should Give The Hobbit A Second Chance

1. The Battle Of The Five Armies

When we say The Battle of the Five Armies we don't mean the third and final Hobbit film, but the titular showdown itself. Seeing the forces of humans, dwarves, elves, orcs and wargs square off in front of the Lonely Mountain, it's the moment that the whole trilogy has been building up to. Featuring just about every character we've met so far, it'll bring epic action, as well as the deaths of some fan favourites. Who isn't looking forward to seeing it? Well, a totally faithful adaptation wouldn't show it; it's not seen in the book. In Tolkien's novel Bilbo gets knocked out at the start of the confrontation, with all the action (and believe us a lot of stuff goes down) occurring off page. You can dispute the promotion of the battle to Pelennor Fields levels of epicness, but no one would argue that The Hobbit would be better not showing us the big clash. The acceptance of the battle as the epic finale of The Hobbit is something pretty impressive and should provide you enough reason to reevaluate Jackson's approach to the series; maybe changing things wasn't the worst thing. What do you make of The Hobbit so far? What would you like to see in The Battle Of The Five Armies? Let us know in the comments below?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.