10 Reasons John Stewart Needs To Be The Cinematic Green Lantern

8. He's Got A Tragic Character Arc

Tyrese Green Lantern Fan Poster
DC Comics

Whereas Hal Jordan’s adventures have been mired in epic space battles, John Stewart’s have always been rooted in tragedy. While certainly not as fun, depressing character arcs are something rarely seen in cinematic superheroes, and could create a fresh tone for the new Green Lantern film.

When Hal Jordan left the corps in the 1980s, it was Stewart who became the star of Green Lantern. During that run, there was a fascinating contrast between Stewart’s inner turmoil and the glory of space, one that lends itself easily to the screen.

First off, there was his training with, and falling for, fellow lantern Katma Tui, only for her to be senselessly murdered shortly thereafter. Still reeling from that loss, Stewart reverted to his trademark arrogance, and accidentally allowed an entire planet to be destroyed. These events set the tone for his entire run, and still influence his character today. His guilt and regret over the past creates a more interesting character journey for a film, offering a new and exciting way to craft a superhero epic, anchored by a superhero character unlike any we've seen.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.