10 Reasons Kick-Ass 2 Failed Miserably

7. Tonal Inconsistency

Kick Ass 2 Jim Carrey One of the most impressive things about the first Kick-Ass is how well it juggles its various tones; it's a hilarious pop culture satire and also an ultraviolent superhero flick all rolled into one without ever seeming unsavoury or crass. This was largely because of the film's deeply human element, namely the connection between Nicolas Cage's Big Daddy and his daughter, Mindy, yet little effort is made in Kick-Ass 2 to keep the ship tonally buoyant; instead, it doesn't seem to much care. For instance, one section in the middle of the film has three rather likable, developed characters die brutal deaths (Javier, Colonel Stars 'n Stripes and Dave's father) in relatively quick succession, but before you know it, the film is back to cracking funnies, cheapening their deaths and making the whole thing seem oddly flippant, even as it pertains to the good guys and their loved ones. Does the film need to linger on every little death? No, but given that some of these characters actually mean something to fans, they need to be paid their due.
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Kick-Ass 2
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.