6. It's Shock For Shock's Sake
Many argued that Kick-Ass simply aimed to shock for its own sake, and in honesty, they're often not far wrong. Was Hit-Girl's utterance of the infamous line, "OK you c***s, let's see what you can do now" little more than an attempt to shock and amuse? Of course not, but it did in its own way serve an ironic dramatic function, and was offset by the aforementioned bonding scenes between Mindy and her father. The second time around, however, the shocks just don't seem as fresh, no matter how hard Wadlow is trying to offend us. For one, The Mother F***er calls his new line-up of supervillains "The Toxic Mega C***s", and then things take a truly demented turn when he attempts to rape Night B*tch, but cannot sustain an erection. As a result, his impotence is played for laughs, and the scene ends relatively ambiguously, making it unclear quite what they did to her. Rape typically isn't funny, but of course, they had to try and make a joke out of it. Had they succeeded, we'd be singing their praises, but alas, they didn't.