10 Reasons You Shouldn't Be Worried About Jurassic World

10. The CGI Is Far From Final

Perhaps the most vocal complaint about the first trailer is that the visual effects just don't look that great, with the particularly offensive shots being the CGI elements of the Jurassic World gate, the glimpse of the water-based dino eating a shark, and of course, that infamous final shot of Chris Pratt's Owen riding a bike alongside a flock of Velociraptors. Though there's going to be absolutely no denial here that the effects hardly look astounding, and shockingly don't even really seem to measure up to those of the original movie, it's crucial to remember that Jurassic World is over 6 months away from release, and will likely be worked on right up until release day, with the effects being tweaked and perfected all the way. Commenting on the fan complaints, director Colin Trevorrow commented that, "the gate is practical, the environment isn't. That shot was specifically made for the trailer. The film will be different". You need only look at recent movies like Guardians of the Galaxy and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug to see how drastically a movie's effects can change from the trailer to the final product: the difference is often night and day, and with so much post-production time left, there's no need to be getting worried yet (even if it might've made sense to hold the trailer off a month or so until the effects looked slightly more complete).

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.