10 Reasons Snyder's Batman Will Be Superior To Nolan's

1. He'll Actually Be Batman

Some diehard Batman fans cite Nolan€™s devotion to realism as a flaw that fundamentally altered the nature of the character. In the comics, Batman possesses a genius level intellect coupled with a nearly unparalleled physical prowess. In Nolan€™s films, Batman gets thoroughly owned in a completely even one-on-one fight by a guy whose greatest power was being on painkillers. Nolan€™s approach plumbed the depths of Bruce Wayne€™s psyche to a greater extent than ever before, but ultimately did a disservice to his alter ego. The Batman of the comics is savvy and skilled enough to fight Superman, one of the most powerful characters in the DC universe, to a standstill. Nolan€™s Batman could do no such thing. Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice will find Batman pitted against Superman, which means Snyder will have no choice but to depict Batman in his fully glory, as a super hero in the true sense of the word. Nolan€™s films were necessary to restore some of the luster to Batman€™s tarnished brand. Now that Batman€™s public image has been rehabilitated, fans are ready for Snyder to bring back some of the fun and escapist fantasy that made everyone fall in love with the character in the first place.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.