10 Reasons Snyder's Batman Will Be Superior To Nolan's

2. There Will Be Less Angst

Christopher Nolan did an admirable job bringing depth to a character that can easily cross the line between fun and outright camp. Batman€™s tortured past and brooding nature made the character perfect for a comic book movie that contained a greater emphasis on emotion and psychology than previous examples of the genre. By transplanting Batman from a comic book environment into something resembling the real world, Nolan was able to instill the human drama with recognizable emotional stakes. This worked well for the first two installments of Nolan€™s trilogy, adding an emotional depth that had been lacking from most comic book fare. The third film in the trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, doubled down on the angst. Bruce Wayne had to find the confidence to don the cowl and get back into shape not once, but twice in the same feature. The result was a bloated runtime with pacing issues. Because Snyder€™s interpretation of Batman will have to share the stage with other superstar heroes, Batman vs Superman will need to reign in Batman€™s angst so the action doesn€™t fall by the wayside. While Snyder€™s Batman will no doubt retain his penchant for brooding, the director€™s action-heavy style will ensure there is less time spent depicting Batman€™s emotional state.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.