10 Reasons Star Wars Sequels Are Still Superior To The Prequels

4. The Sequels Are Shorter On Cringey Moments

Star Wars

There are many brilliant moments in the Prequels. Most of the action sequences are insane, the lightsaber duels are (mostly) phenomenal and some of the dramatic moments, such as Shmi Skywalker's death, the opera scene, Order 66 and the poignant closing scenes of Revenge of the Sith, work really nicely too.

Unfortunately, the trilogy does have a number of particularly cringey moments too. Things like the distracting ragdoll physics, the racist aliens, the clunky political scenes, various ill-judged comedy moments and... well, pretty much any and every scene involving Anakin and Padme do mean that there are certain scenes in the trilogy you'll definitely want to skip.

The Sequels have some terrible scenes too - Luke drinking that strange milk, Leia Poppins, the Bantha chase, "Somehow Palpatine returned.", that terrible C3PO memory loss subplot in Rise of Skywalker - but nowhere near as many and certainly nothing that matches the cringe factor of the worst Prequel moments.

As such, this is yet another way in which the argument that the Prequels are better than the Sequels falls flat. Yes, the Sequels aren't as meme-worthy but they're a lot easier to watch with a straight face.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.