10 Reasons Star Wars Sequels Are Still Superior To The Prequels

3. The Sequels' Plot Holes Still Aren't As Bad As Those In The Prequels

Star Wars

Look, no-one can deny that the Sequels have plenty of issues with logic. There are numerous 'How did they survive that?' moments, the Millennium Falcon was conveniently fully fuelled on Jakku and many things just aren't explained (Palpatine's return, most notably).

Still, the illogical moments in the Sequels are NOTHING compared to the film-breaking stupidity of the Prequels. Seriously, where to even begin?

Palpatine's plan in The Phantom Menace made no sense. Why didn't Qui-Gon just steal the hyper-drive from Watto (and pay him back later) instead of using a complicated bet involving some random kid to leave Tattooine? Why did Padme go into 'hiding' on her home planet and why did the Jedi allow Anakin, who was clearly infatuated with her, to guard her?

Still, things reach an intolerable level of stupidity in Revenge of the Sith, which the Jedi fail to realize a Sith Lord is right under their noses, Mace Windu brings almost no back-up when confronting said Sith Lord and, after just two conversations with Palpatine, Anakin goes from a good man to a child-murdering psychopath.

And that's only scratching the bloody surface. There's also a ton of plot armour, contrivance and as great as the action in the Prequels generally is, there are plenty of distractingly silly moments - Obi Wan foolishly jumps into the middle of a massive droid army when confronting General Grievous, for example.

The point is, all those claims that the Sequels are the most illogical Star Wars films are beyond laughable.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.