10 Reasons The Cinema Is Now The Worst Place To Watch Movies

7. Too Many Gimmicks

You're going to the cinema to see, say, Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2. Walk in, get ticket, sit down, right? Not quite. First you've got to decide what format to watch it in - 2D, 3D, IMAX or D-Box? Erm... two for Guardians Of The Galaxy, please?

In an attempt to artificially inflate the ticket price even more cinemas have latched onto new technologies purporting to be the next big thing that are in fact just another expensive gimmick. 3D conversions are normally such a slapdash effort that it's become a joke. D-Box is a moving chair more at home in an amusement park than a cinema.

But the biggest offender of the lot is what passes for IMAX. A brilliant format, when done properly an IMAX presentation is breathtaking. What most multiplexes offer as IMAX, however, isn't really full IMAX; although this carries the brand it's an inferior product. A cinema simply converts its biggest auditoriums into 'IMAX' by getting a new projector and changing the logo on the seats; the majority of lie-MAX screens are an excuse to charge more for a bigger screen. It's better, but not a whopping surcharge better. It's a cynical execution of an good idea; cinemas offering the option of a more premium experience is a good idea. A gimmick, however isn't a premium experience.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.