10 Reasons The Cinema Is Now The Worst Place To Watch Movies

6. Simply Going To The Cinema Is Becoming A Logistical Nightmare

Sony Pictures

Most employed people work 9-5. Taking into account commuting and eating, how many showings do you think it's possible for a regular worker to make on weeknight? At best one. Rather than increasing the number of film times as the majority of the population becomes free, cinemas if anything reign back evening showings for no discernible reason.

They're obviously limited by the number of screens and the length of film, but it strikes as a rather self-gratifying move, allowing staff to go home a bit earlier. Things are only complicated by allocated seating becoming a mainstay of cinema. Prominent in several big chains and touted as a good thing, it whacks as an attempt to give an air of prestige to the cinema going experience while in fact just making things that little bit more awkward.

Who decides where to sit before going into the auditorium (the meaning of "front, middle or back" changes from screen to screen)? And what if someone wants to join after you prebooked tickets online? Guess they're on their own. You're not a high end West End theatre and we don't really want you to try.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.