10 Reasons The Cinema Is Now The Worst Place To Watch Movies

4. Feel Free To Leave Your Phone On


Back in the nineties when cinemas started politely asking you to turn off your phone before a film the danger back then was sound; if someone gets a call it'd naturally be disruptive. And it worked. Sure, there'd always be that lone renegade who wouldn't listen and even go as far as to answer the call, but for the most part people at the very least put it on silent. Bliss.

Then came smartphones. It wasn't just about calls now, but Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and all that. And it's become terrible. Remember the light issue? Well it's even worse when the source is directed at your face from a few feet away. People weaned on the noise problem assume updating their status or whatever halfway through a film won't have an effect on anyone else. Well we have new for you: it's bloody distracting.

Quite why you'd want to pull yourself out of the action is perplexing, but what's even more surprising is that in the rise of this cinemas have got less proactive about phones. Do cinemas just assume people know now and leave it be? Imagine if planes did that with airline safety.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.