10 Reasons The Cinema Is Now The Worst Place To Watch Movies

5. Finding Good Films Is Hard

IFC Films

Thanks to Amazon being able to deliver pretty much any DVD ever produced to your front door in less than 24 hours and both them and Netflix offering immediate access to a fairly wide selection of films (and producing their own) we're becoming increasingly used to having free reign on what movies we see.

In reference to the cinema it's a little muggy. Although multiplexes can often have ten or more screens that doesn't guarantee a wide range of films. Why put on ten different films when just three will allow umpteen showings of the latest blockbuster? This means that if you want to see a film that isn't that week's high-profile release then you either have to go at a bizarre time or hunt down an independent cinema that's giving it the time of day. And do you realise how hard those can be to find?

Most major cities have a quality one worth visiting, but if you live outside of the centre then your facing a trek to just get there. Because they're obviously smaller than their chain counterparts there's also fewer screenings, so you're still at the mercy of the programming gods. No wonder everyone says there's never anything good on.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.