10 Reasons The DC Cinematic Universe Could Beat Marvels'

9. Marvel Doesn't Own All Their Heroes

This is going to be an issue for all of the future Marvel films, and one that DC is sure to make the most of. In the next few years of superhero films, we are going to be seeing two versions of Quicksilver, and two versions of Scarlet Witch. One pair will be owned by 20th Century Fox, and one pair will be owned by Marvel, and this puts Marvel in competition with another company to outclass depictions of their own superhero. This is also going to be difficult for Marvel to make the most out of their bigger plotlines that involve the X-Men, or Spider-Man €“ who plays a large part in the Civil War storyline - because as yet Marvel does not have access to its properties. While Marvel are struggling to write alternatives to their stories, DC will be bringing out all of their headline names with such force that the inclusion of some of the lesser known characters such as Cyborg or the Suicide Squad will seem natural to audiences; DC won€™t have to spend time, as Marvel will need to, changing their narratives and will be able to focus completely on bringing us the best superhero films that they can.
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