10 Reasons The DC Cinematic Universe Could Beat Marvels'

8. More Interesting Powers

Superheroes The powers of the current rota of Marvel superheroes is lacklustre compared to DC€™s. Compare Captain America to Superman €“ while Captain America demonstrates his powers via rather monotonous fistfighting, Superman pushes the idea of being a physically superior human being to their logical extreme; Captain America has a limit to how fast he can run. Superman is so fast he can literally turn back time. Captain America is justified if he cannot save someone in time. Superman should be able to save everyone from mundane acts of violence but cannot, and that's an emotional narrative. The same goes for the difference between Iron Man and Batman, both of whom share the same superpower of €˜having Scrooge McDuck levels of money€™. However, Batman realizes vigilante justice cannot be a rule for the rest of the world to follow, and thus maintains the façade that Batman is a villain. That€™s why Comissioner Gordon saying that Batman is €œthe hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now€ is so potent. The third Iron Man film, on the other hand, is the fallout of Tony Stark realizing that swanning about in his fancy suit while knowing there are people out there that want him dead, which definitely isn€™t something he learned before *cough cough Hammer cough cough Iron Man 2* might not be such a good idea. In short, it's what you do with the superpowers that matters - DC's superheroes have more spectacular powers that will be interesting to see on screen, while Marvel is still content to show cool explosions and some substandard fight fights (I'm looking at you, Guardians of the Galaxy).
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