10 Reasons The DC Cinematic Universe Could Beat Marvels'

5. DC Is Spinning Fewer Plates

One of the major criticisms of Warner Bros. is that it, unlike Disney, has not made a studio specific to making superhero films. Marvel is a studio, whereas DC is an intellectual property, and because of this many have said that DC does not have the focus on films that Marvel does. However, this has only been true of the pre-DC cinematic universe, and Marvel is going to have to learn how to deal with a major issue that has plagued comic book fans for eons: continuity. Marvel does not confine its continuity to the cinematic universe, but also to television with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, and as such has to ensure that what happens in the television show fits with the narratives in the film. In the episode €œTurn, Turn, Turn€ Agent Coulson orders Skye to delete records of SHIELD's intel. This action takes place roughly around the same time as The Winter Soldier which ends with Black Widow uploading all of the SHIELD/HYRDA information onto the internet. So, either Skye's actions are pointless because Black Widow happened to override them, or Skye somehow either managed to delete something off the entire internet. That's bad continuity. DC can make The Flash, Arrow and Gotham, without having to worry that their television continuity will affect their films, because they have decided to keep them separate. Comic book fans will have more variation in the depiction of DC superheroes because of this separation than of Marvel characters, with the certainty that DC will not write itself into a Gordian Knot for the sake of continuity.
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