10 Reasons The DC Cinematic Universe Could Beat Marvels'

6. Power Creep

No, that's not the name of a terrible super villain. "Power creep" is the idea that the more iterations of a product, the greater power it must have to keep viewers interested. It's why in Avengers Assemble, Loki and his army were content to attack a city, but in Guardians of the Galaxy, Ronan was going to destroy a planet. In Age of Ultron, Ultron will be trying to destroy our planet, and in Infinity Wars Thanos will be attacking the whole of creation. So how can heroes like Iron Man or Captain America compare to the power of Thanos? With each iteration of Marvel films, the power increases until eventually we're going to have to mention that there are characters that literally embody the concepts of Chaos and Order. Eventually, the whole idea of a superhuman is going to become obsolete. In the DC universe, we can always count on some idea of balance to offset the abilities of any superhuman. The age old question of "Who would win in a fight, Batman or Superman" is a tired example, but probably the best one. Superman can always be taken down a couple of notches by the presence of Kryptonite, or by blocking out the rays of Earth's yellow sun (which Batman did in the Red Son alternative universe arc). The DC universe always knows how to make the stakes feel more real than Marvel, and eventually will overtake Marvel as their films become more ludicrous.
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