10 Reasons The Emperor’s New Groove Is The Best Disney Movie

9. It Never Stops Moving

Normally, when a movie is only 80 minutes long, it's chastised for being too brief and failing to develop its characters. A rare exception in this regard, The Emperor€™s New Groove never feels hollow as it races through its proceedings and never lets up. The film is undeniably brief but that€™s only because it crams 3 hours worth of story into a tightly-shortened package. The result is a frenetic pace that immediately heightens the humour and lends immediacy to the conflict of Kuzco racing back to his palace and turning into a human again. It€™s the kind of movie where you may find yourself going back to watch a single clip and instead become immediately engrossed in the action. It€™s so easy to get sucked in because there are no breaks and everything feels essential. It€™s a credit to the film€™s editing that the movie never feels slow or boring. To that end, it leaves you wanting more, rather than thinking something was missing.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.