10 Reasons The Fantastic Four Looks Great

5. It's Really Pretty

It's been a long slog, but superhero films have finally gotten to the point where they're developing their own visual style. The earlier comic book adaptations €“ like the first Spider-Man and Fantastic Four movies €“ just sort of applied the colourful look of their source material with the identikit look of your run-of-the-mill Hollywood blockbusters. They looked kinda indistinct. Compare that to the Fantastic Four trailer, which looks absolutely bloody gorgeous. Josh Trank already had a very unique visual sense with his directorial debut Chronicle, but a lot of that was also rooted in it being a found footage film. It wasn't entirely obvious how that would translate to a traditionally shot blockbuster. This is how. By being absolutely stunning, somewhat reminiscent of those early impressive Godzilla trailer (although look how that turned out...), with the special effects being integrated in a really cool way. If nothing else, this film will be a treat for the eyes. See also: Kate Mara and Michael B Jordan.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/