10 Reasons The Fantastic Four Looks Great

4. Kinda Sorta Costumes

One of the other things that appeared to be a fall out of that €œrealism€ angle that didn't end up coming through as heavily as expected was that this new Fantastic Four were allegedly going to be costume-less. Not naked, this isn't the terrible Fantastic Four film, but that they'd never suit up in either their classic blue spandex look or in anything even resembling a superhero outfit. When that concept art leaked and the first photo of Michael B Jordan was revealed, those suspicions appeared to be confirmed: at the most, they'd be wearing sort of normal black jumpsuits, which had previously been contained as €œcontainment suits€, without much in common with their usual get-up. Which would've been fine. Fox's X-Men movies featured some pretty different costumes for their heroes. Still, this is a superhero film, not just your generic blockbuster. Thankfully, it looks like the powers that be had a change of heart, cos those definitely look like costumes at the end of the trailer.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/