10 Reasons The Fantastic Four Looks Great

3. The Special Effects Are Snazzy

Speaking of which, one of the most impressive parts of the trailer's look is the special effects. The Roger Corman Fantastic Four from the nineties €“ with such a low budget Marvel paid him not to release it €“ use a crappy rubber suit for The Thing, Atari 2600-level computer graphics for the Human Torch, and Mr Fantastic's stretching arm was a rubber glove on the end of a broom. The Fantastic Four films Fox actually released were better, but not by much. They were at the shoddier end of modern CGI: technically impressive, but not particularly well integrated into the world of the film so they felt like they could really exist, like they were part of an aesthetic. Guess what: in The Fantastic Four, they are! At least, on the basis of the trailer. The rocky Thing looks badass, the way they're doing Johnny Storm's flames and Susan's invisibility force fields have a very anime look, and that whole action sequence in the trailer looks like something out of Akira. Again, a lot like Chronicle...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/