10 Reasons The Haters Should Lay Off Suicide Squad

No one should be taking a film starring a humanoid crocodile this seriously.

The publicity machine for DC Cinematic Universe's (DCCU) upcoming comic book adaptation, Suicide Squad, has whirred into gear, begun churning out the promotional materials, and got fans and non-fans alike talking all over the world. It's been met with the general response of: "What is this s**t?" Superhero movie fans can be pretty vitriolic by their nature anyway (thanks for chasing Joss Whedon off of Twitter, guys), but Suicide Squad has quickly become an exceptional case, to the point where it's become currently one of the most ridiculed in-production Hollywood movies around. Rather strangely, the critics out there seem to be taking the exploits of a witch, a ninja, a crocodile-man, a pyrokinetic gangster and an Australian dude who uses boomerangs as weapons incredibly seriously. Is it all a tad pre-emptive? After all, details on Suicide Squad are still few and far between, the shoot has only really just begun in earnest, and new cast members keep being added to the great hulking thing all the time. Not only that, but there are more reasons to be optimistic about David Ayer's movie than the haters by and large would care to admit. Here are ten reasons why that verbal anti-Suicide Squad set needs to calm down and think a bit more positive.


Lover of film, writer of words, pretentious beyond belief. Thinks Scorsese and Kubrick are the kings of cinema, but PT Anderson and David Fincher are the dashing young princes. Follow Brogan on twitter if you can take shameless self-promotion: @BroganMorris1