10 Reasons To Be Excited For Ant-Man

7. Peggy Carter And Howard Stark Are Coming Back

Hayley Atwell and Dominic Cooper will be reprising their WWII era characters of Peggy Carter and Howard Stark in the upcoming Agent Carter TV series, but the duo will also be returning for Ant-Man. Carter and Stark will be explored as characters in the Agent Carter series, so Ant-Man could help to build up existing characters as well as introducing new ones to help cement that show the way the Captain America cross-over with Agents Of SHIELD helped kick that show off. They may not have massive roles, but it is certain that using such high profile characters will have tremendous repercussions within the movie. In The Winter Soldier it was revealed that the two heroes had helped found SHIELD after the war, and now that SHIELD no longer exists it seems that flashbacks will be the only way to see the organisation now. Howard Stark is evidently going to be an important part of this movie, with at least two incarnations of the character being used. Tony Stark€™s father played an important role in the MCU, assisting in Steve Rogers transformation into Captain America, and he was equally as pivotal in helping Robert Downey Junior€™s character find a way of sustaining his arc reactor. Given that he has proved to be such a useful character in the past, perhaps Marvel will give the man a role in the conception of their latest hero.
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A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: http://samuelclements.wordpress.com/