10 Reasons To Be Excited For Ant-Man

5. It Will Turn The Genre On Its Head

The superhero genre is inextricably linked to strength, power and aggression. Marvel already has the omnipotent Thor flying through the sky with his magical hammer, Tony Stark€™s heroic alter ego is technologically powerful and the raging Hulk is pure muscle. There is no shortage of Superman-esque heroes, but Ant-Man juxtaposes these preconceptions by endowing its titular character with the power to shrink, playing with the limits of the comic book movie genre. The MCU risks being oversaturated with such immensely powerful heroes, so Ant-Man will not only introduce a new dynamic to the MCU, but it will also challenge what we think of comic book characters in general. The concept at the heart of Ant-Man is certainly shaky, but if the movie is able to get audiences to think differently about the genre the movie could easily breathe new life into Marvel€™s arguably repetitive formula for introducing new characters.
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A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: http://samuelclements.wordpress.com/