10 Reasons We've Already Given Up On The Amazing Spider-Man 2

8. Everything Related to the Rhino

Rhino will be making his big screen debut in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and although he works quite well when featured as a member of an evil superteam (like the Sinister Six), considering Spider-Man€™s deep bench of more interesting rogues to choose from, it was surprising to see him making a solo appearance so early in the franchise€™s history. The Rhino situation is made even more curious by the questionable casting of Paul Giamatti. Giamatti is a wonderful actor who has a broad range of comedic and dramatic roles to his credit, but it€™s a bit of stretch to think he could physically portray Aleksei Sytsevich, the fictitious Russian who, in the comics, is empowered by a large synthetic Rhino suit allowing him to wreak havoc throughout New York City. We then learn from one of The Amazing Spider-Man 2€™s first trailers that Sytsevich will be operating a mechanical Rhino costume, which is even further conceptually removed from the original comic book source material. Still, all of this hand-wringing may be for naught. As silly as the Rhino€™s costume may look, and as ridiculous as it may seem casting Giamatti to portray a gargantuan supervillain, director Marc Webb recently announced that the character is only featured in about four minutes of the movie. That of course begs the question as to why this film is being so heavily marketed around his involvement?

Mark is a professional writer living in Brooklyn and is the founder of the Chasing Amazing Blog, which documents his quest to collect every issue of Amazing Spider-Man, and the Superior Spider-Talk podcast. He also pens the "Gimmick or Good?" column at Comics Should Be Good blog.