10 Reasons Why Batman In A Justice League Movie Would Suck

8. My Parents Are Dead

batman111 Every hero has a tragic back story, usually involving early deaths of parents or loved ones at the hands of criminals or some kind of evil. This usually drives them into becoming a hero, ensuring the tragedies they experienced wouldn't be felt by others. Batman is no different, but it's a bit extreme in his case. He will always hold his parents' death with him as a reminder and never let go of it because he's a sad bastard, who uses the guilt of his past to strike fear into the heart of his enemies. Having your parents murdered right in front of you is one of the most traumatic events that could ever happen to you (besides being the sole survivor of your home planet that exploded, maybe). Completely understandable, but while normal people would've regressed into unhealthy habits such as drinking, partying, sleeping around, and whatever else you can do with billions of dollars, Bruce didn't. He could've squandered his money until he went into rehab to address his deep seeded issues, but no. Instead, he became a vigilante, though his best friend is his butler and the most significant women in his life are criminals, Catwoman and Talia al Ghul. Batman needed therapy long before he donned the cape and if he was in the JL, he would be a stoic, cynical hero with a huge chip on his shoulder. You think you have bad co-workers? Try working with the Bat. While Batman would be a great contrast against the other heroes in the JL, he'd almost come off as a conceited and awkward character who people are really hoping will open up sooner or later, but probably won't.

I'm a thinker/fantasizer who writes down his thoughts and fantasies hoping it makes sense to everyone else. Also I'm an aspiring screenwriter, but if I can work in film at all, I'd be happy. One day you may hear the name Ryan Kim and associate it with "Academy Award winning writer" or with "where's that guy with my coffee." If the latter comes true, please let it be Paul Thomas Anderson's coffee I'm getting.