10 Reasons Why Dark Phoenix Is One Of The Greatest WORST Comic Book Movies Ever

1. "You Know I Can't Walk"

Dark Phoenix
20th Century Fox

Perhaps no scene in Dark Phoenix is a better representation of a film as a whole than this one. It's the scene which has pretty much instantly cemented the film's legacy as a destined-to-be midnight movie classic for years to come.

Yes, that's right; it's the 'Professor X does a funny walk up some stairs' scene.

After finally crossing that road, Charles comes face-to-face with Jean, who tells him to prove his loyalty and love for her by walking up the stairs. To which Charles, one of the smartest men in the universe, ingeniously responds; "Jean, you know I can't walk". But then, Jean uses her powers to force his legs to walk up the stairs and what should have been a harrowing moment becomes gut-bustingly hysterical.

It's just a scene of James McAvoy attempting to look as serious as he possibly can while doing a funny walk up the stairs.

That's it.

There is no effects work here, no bone-shattering sound effects to accompany it, not even a moment of where he falls and has to pick himself back up again. It's just James McAvoy, a regular man, doing a weird limp up some stairs while Hans Zimmer's score practically screams at us, "Look at it! The horror!"


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.