10 Reasons Why Hogwarts Would Be A Terrible Place To Live

1. The Forbidden Forest

Harry Potter Moaning Myrtle
Warner Brothers

The Forbidden Forest has no business being on the grounds of a school. If you’re ever unlucky enough to find yourself inside it, there’s a good chance you won’t come out again.

The horde of giant spiders is the most terrifying aspect of the forest, but there are plenty of other frightening creatures as well. Giants and thestrals are known to inhabit the woodland, and there are also rumours that trolls and werewolves live amongst the trees. Even the centaurs – who are generally more reasonable – can be violent when they want to be.

Thankfully, students are not normally obliged to go into the Forbidden Forest. However, as was seen in The Philosopher’s Stone, this terrifying location can sometimes be used as a punishment for those who have been particularly troublesome.

As such, students who are planning any wrongdoings should seriously consider whether or not they want to carry out their schemes. Because if they’re caught, they might just end up inside the Forbidden Forest.

Which part of Hogwarts do you think is the worst? Leave your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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Harry Potter Professors
Warner Bros.

1. "Your Pain Becomes Their Power.''


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.