10 Reasons Why Hogwarts Would Be A Terrible Place To Live

8. Peeves The Poltergeist

Harry Potter Moaning Myrtle

Peeves is an unusual character. He’s the only poltergeist to feature in Harry Potter, and he doesn’t even exist in the movies. Whenever he makes an appearance in the books, however, he’s always the centre of attention.

He regards it as his mission in life to cause as much mayhem as he physically can. More often than not, Filch is left to clean up after him, but he also targets students as well.

In addition to his verbal taunts, Peeves is also fond of physical abuse. During Harry’s time at Hogwarts, he throws ink pellets, water balloons, and walking sticks at passing students. He even forces Neville to set fire to his own pants on one occasion.

Peeves may be amusing, but you’re in for a rough time if you end up on the receiving end of his mischief.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.