10 Reasons Why Hogwarts Would Be A Terrible Place To Live

6. Moaning Myrtle

Harry Potter Moaning Myrtle
Warner Bros.

Most of the Hogwarts ghosts aren’t a problem provided you don’t accidentally walk through them. Moaning Myrtle, on the other hand, is one of the most annoying characters in Harry Potter.

She spends most of her time in the girls’ bathroom on the first floor, and far from being respectful, she is known to wail and shriek whilst girls are attempting to go to the loo. And given she's a ghost, there's literally nothing anyone can do to stop her.

Worst of all, Moaning Myrtle also takes it upon herself to pop up unexpectedly and pester other students. In The Goblet of Fire, for instance, she makes an appearance when Harry is inside the prefects’ bathroom, and she has no respect for his privacy whatsoever.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.