10 Reasons Why Hogwarts Would Be A Terrible Place To Live

4. History Of Magic Is Compulsory

Harry Potter Moaning Myrtle
Warner Bros

History of Magic is regarded by many as the most boring subject at Hogwarts. Despite the fact it doesn’t involve any practical magic, all students are required to take it for five years before they can drop it.

The primary reason History of Magic is so dull is because of Professor Binns. He drones on about giant wars, goblin rebellions, warlock conventions, and all manner of strange events in wizarding history. In the hands of another teacher, this subject may well be interesting, but due to Professor Binns’ monotonous voice and lack of interaction with the class, History of Magic is never something any student looks forward to.

Professor Binns is also a ghost, so it’s highly unlikely he’ll ever be replaced by someone more interesting, and as such, every new Hogwarts student is destined for hours and hours of boredom.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.