10 Reasons Why Michael Bay Deserves More Credit

1. Bottoms Up


Appealing not just to the teenage boys in the audience but tohot-blooded males across the globe, Bay has featured the two female stars of his Transformers series in some fabulous poses.

From the sun-kissed, toned and sweat-dappled midriff of Megan Fox in Transformers (*sigh*) to a lingering shot of Megan's impossibly long legs and buttcheek in Revenge of the Fallen (*sigh*) and finally to Rosie Huntington-Whitely's ample derriere and legs that appear to go all the way to her armpits (and possibly beyond, *sigh*), Bay knows a thing or two about showcasing the best the female form has to offer.

Behold - the glorious behind!

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