10 Reasons Why Val Kilmer Is The Most Underrated Batman

9. He Looked The Part As Batman

Val Kilmer Batman Forever
Warner Bros.

Even if you didn't like the tone, vibe or overall production of Batman Forever, even if you didn't like what Val Kilmer did with the role, it's hard to deny that he didn't look the part.

Clad from head to toe in an all-black Bat-suit (which has since been labelled The Panther), Kilmer looked every bit The Dark Knight he was portraying. Sleek, shiny and deadly, the suit complemented his taller build, and in doing so, presented his Batman as the larger-than-life figure that he was supposed to be. The cowl itself was also an improvement over previous iterations as it fitted his facial structure perfectly while highlighting that chiselled jaw that the Caped Crusader is renowned for.

If you were asked to draw a comic book version of Batman sporting an all-black suit, there's a strong chance that it would look something like Kilmer's. Visually, he was everything that the character should have been and Forever captures that perfectly on a number of occasions.

The opening shot of him standing there in that Bat-suit, shaded by the darkness, was a sight to behold - and it was one that would have fitted in equally as well in the film's darker predecessors.

Speaking of which...


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.